LVJ Tiedustelijan liivi

Järjestä ja suunnittele kimppatilauksia
Team member
Liittynyt:Pe Joulu 12, 2008 3:40 pm
Re: LVJ Tiedustelijan liivi

Viesti Kirjoittaja S-23 » Ma Kesä 13, 2011 12:38 pm

Final prices come in a few days. Here are the order options:
- Color: Ranger Green, solid BiB
- Color: Ranger Green, mesh BiB
- Color: Sand (pretty bright, same color as German desert Flecktarn base color), solid BiB
- Color: Sand (pretty bright, same color as German desert Flecktarn base color), mesh BiB

Prices are all the same.
The chestrigs must be paid in advance because they are made to order. Delivery time is approx. 2-4 weeks.
Rigs can be picked up at my place, at Decon or I can send them via Matkahuolto (preferred) or Posti.
I prefer Matkahuolto because it's faster and you can pay postikulut when you pick up the package, so no more hassle with transferring the postikulut to me.
Ban bread! 99% of all spree-shooters have consumed bread within 48 hours before the shooting!
Kieltäkää leipä! 99 prosenttia kaikista rellestys-ampujista on syönyt leipää 48 tunnin sisällä ennen ammuskelua!

Liittynyt:Ma Syys 14, 2009 2:22 pm

Re: LVJ Tiedustelijan liivi

Viesti Kirjoittaja Speidel » Ma Kesä 13, 2011 1:43 pm

Ok, I'll take one!


Liittynyt:Ke Touko 13, 2009 1:45 am

Re: LVJ Tiedustelijan liivi

Viesti Kirjoittaja Karko » Ma Kesä 13, 2011 5:45 pm

What kind of fabric do they use, I'm assuming its "strong enough" ?
Also what about the pouches, how are they like? As the ones in the picture look like finnish Savotta's mag & utility pouches.
Viimeksi muokannut Karko, Ma Kesä 13, 2011 8:26 pm. Yhteensä muokattu 1 kertaa.

Team member
Liittynyt:Pe Joulu 12, 2008 3:40 pm

Re: LVJ Tiedustelijan liivi

Viesti Kirjoittaja S-23 » Ma Kesä 13, 2011 7:58 pm

The fabric is Bundeswehr milspec nylon (including IRR abilities) covered with rubber on the inside and Bundeswehr milspec mesh fabric. Some people here have the MD KSK-chestrig. It's the same fabric.
The pouches are - like the whole rig - exactly to the SA specs, so they are identical to the rig which is in use by SA now.
The picture is NOT a Savotta rig! It is a prototype which was made by MD in 2009 for an SA tarjouspyyntö.
Ban bread! 99% of all spree-shooters have consumed bread within 48 hours before the shooting!
Kieltäkää leipä! 99 prosenttia kaikista rellestys-ampujista on syönyt leipää 48 tunnin sisällä ennen ammuskelua!

Liittynyt:Ti Tammi 19, 2010 9:26 pm

Re: LVJ Tiedustelijan liivi

Viesti Kirjoittaja TSu » Ma Kesä 13, 2011 10:27 pm

Confirm. I'm ordering three (3) rigs.


Liittynyt:La Syys 12, 2009 5:23 pm
Been thanked: 22 times

Re: LVJ Tiedustelijan liivi

Viesti Kirjoittaja CV9030FIN » Su Kesä 26, 2011 9:47 am

Is this deal going to go on or not?
Constantem Decorat Honor

Team member
Liittynyt:Pe Joulu 12, 2008 3:40 pm

Re: LVJ Tiedustelijan liivi

Viesti Kirjoittaja S-23 » Ma Kesä 27, 2011 10:10 am

Yeah, it is. I was just away for Juhannus. Calling MD for the price today.
Ban bread! 99% of all spree-shooters have consumed bread within 48 hours before the shooting!
Kieltäkää leipä! 99 prosenttia kaikista rellestys-ampujista on syönyt leipää 48 tunnin sisällä ennen ammuskelua!

Team member
Liittynyt:Pe Joulu 12, 2008 3:40 pm

Re: LVJ Tiedustelijan liivi

Viesti Kirjoittaja S-23 » Ma Kesä 27, 2011 1:04 pm

I finally got the price from Multi Design.
The final price is 139e plus shipping inside Finland.
The rig is also available in Black.

Because it took so long to get the final price, I am putting the deadline for the order to 30.06.
Everybody who has posted in this thread or who has sent me a PN will get a link with the order information.
Please transfer the money until 01.07. I will place the order at MD on 02.07., so the money should be on my account then!
Ban bread! 99% of all spree-shooters have consumed bread within 48 hours before the shooting!
Kieltäkää leipä! 99 prosenttia kaikista rellestys-ampujista on syönyt leipää 48 tunnin sisällä ennen ammuskelua!

Team member
Liittynyt:Pe Joulu 12, 2008 3:40 pm

Re: LVJ Tiedustelijan liivi

Viesti Kirjoittaja S-23 » Ti Kesä 28, 2011 3:51 pm

2 days until order deadline! Still some orders missing!
Ban bread! 99% of all spree-shooters have consumed bread within 48 hours before the shooting!
Kieltäkää leipä! 99 prosenttia kaikista rellestys-ampujista on syönyt leipää 48 tunnin sisällä ennen ammuskelua!

Team member
Liittynyt:Pe Joulu 12, 2008 3:40 pm

Re: LVJ Tiedustelijan liivi

Viesti Kirjoittaja S-23 » Ke Kesä 29, 2011 11:22 am

Still some orders and many payments missing.
If you made the order, please check your email! You should have got an email with the payment information!
Ban bread! 99% of all spree-shooters have consumed bread within 48 hours before the shooting!
Kieltäkää leipä! 99 prosenttia kaikista rellestys-ampujista on syönyt leipää 48 tunnin sisällä ennen ammuskelua!

Team member
Liittynyt:Pe Joulu 12, 2008 3:40 pm

Re: LVJ Tiedustelijan liivi

Viesti Kirjoittaja S-23 » To Kesä 30, 2011 10:40 am

I didn't take the weekend into account.
So now - the final deadline for ordering is Sunday, 03.07.2011, 2400h EEST
All payments MUST be on my account on Monday, 04.07.2011, 2400h EEST
I will send the order to Multi Design on Tuesday, 05.07.2011.
Ban bread! 99% of all spree-shooters have consumed bread within 48 hours before the shooting!
Kieltäkää leipä! 99 prosenttia kaikista rellestys-ampujista on syönyt leipää 48 tunnin sisällä ennen ammuskelua!

Liittynyt:Ma Kesä 27, 2011 3:29 pm

Re: LVJ Tiedustelijan liivi

Viesti Kirjoittaja BlackScorpy » To Elo 11, 2011 3:45 pm

Any updates so far?

Team member
Liittynyt:Pe Joulu 12, 2008 3:40 pm

Re: LVJ Tiedustelijan liivi

Viesti Kirjoittaja S-23 » La Elo 13, 2011 10:41 am

Everybody who ordered got an email with a link to my private website.
Because the group order is in 2 forums plus a few people which are not in any forums, I post updates there. Please check the page!

The current status is that Multi Design ran out of fabric and had to reorder. There was some delivery delay with the material. The material arrived last Monday and the production continued this week. If I don't get any updates by Monday, I'm gonna call there on Tuesday and then post the new information.
Ban bread! 99% of all spree-shooters have consumed bread within 48 hours before the shooting!
Kieltäkää leipä! 99 prosenttia kaikista rellestys-ampujista on syönyt leipää 48 tunnin sisällä ennen ammuskelua!

Team member
Liittynyt:Pe Joulu 12, 2008 3:40 pm

Re: LVJ Tiedustelijan liivi

Viesti Kirjoittaja S-23 » Ti Elo 30, 2011 5:57 pm

Sorry for the bad communication. I just updated the website...

The last status is from Friday but I couldn't update it yet because my Internet didn't work. I called to Multi Design on Friday and the word is that the rigs should be ready this week and go to shipping next week.
There was the situation that the factory ran out of fabric and they had to spend some effort because that specific fabric is not produced any more. When it arrives, the factory went on 2 weeks summer holidays.
I already tried to negotiate a discount and they said, it's not their fault if the manufacturer of the fabric cannot deliver but I will stay on top of that.
I am in language school since 01.08., so it was a bit hard for me to stay on top of the whole thing. Sorry for that!
Ban bread! 99% of all spree-shooters have consumed bread within 48 hours before the shooting!
Kieltäkää leipä! 99 prosenttia kaikista rellestys-ampujista on syönyt leipää 48 tunnin sisällä ennen ammuskelua!

Liittynyt:Su Heinä 10, 2011 2:16 pm
Been thanked: 3 times

Re: LVJ Tiedustelijan liivi

Viesti Kirjoittaja Jarppi » To Syys 01, 2011 1:43 pm

Jos joku on tässä vaiheessa tullut katumapäälle tilauksessaan, voisin yhden liivin ostaa. Huudelkaa vaikka YVllä jos joku ei haluakaan omaansa.

ed; Värinä siis mielellään RG.

Liittynyt:Ti Joulu 22, 2009 5:39 pm

Re: LVJ Tiedustelijan liivi

Viesti Kirjoittaja Collector » Pe Loka 14, 2011 10:20 pm

I'm starting to seriously doubt we are ever going to see these rigs.

Liittynyt:La Syys 12, 2009 5:23 pm
Been thanked: 22 times

Re: LVJ Tiedustelijan liivi

Viesti Kirjoittaja CV9030FIN » La Loka 15, 2011 12:37 pm

Agreed. I really don't recommend anyone to do business with this S-23 fellow at the moments as he haven't deliver these rigs even after 4 months...a lot of shit talk and explanations... nothing solid.
Constantem Decorat Honor

Liittynyt:Ke Joulu 01, 2010 9:21 am
Has thanked: 1 time
Been thanked: 1 time

Re: LVJ Tiedustelijan liivi

Viesti Kirjoittaja AlphaBravo » Ke Loka 19, 2011 2:44 pm

This is not good. I am willing to accept that unexpected delays happen. However, the latest update was about 1 month ago and it claimed that the package was shipped. Then, nothing. What is taking so long and why the silence?

Liittynyt:Ti Joulu 22, 2009 5:39 pm

Re: LVJ Tiedustelijan liivi

Viesti Kirjoittaja Collector » Ke Loka 19, 2011 3:51 pm

I sent the following e-mail to S-23 yesterday. So far no response.

What's the deal with the rigs. I have never heard of shipping from Germany taking close to a month to arrive. My patience with this order and the never ending explanations is running out. I expect an immediate response to this e-mail and the rig I have ordered delivered by the end of next week. If you are not capable of meeting this I demand a full refund of my money.

Note that despite of this being a group order you are doing business and not charity. Poor excuses of language schools and bad internet connections do not count when you are doing business and trying to be a respectable company competing for government contracts. I don't care about your negotiations with the factory because I have ordered the rig from you and not them. I see no reason why a discount in the price due to delays could not be cut from your profits.

Team member
Liittynyt:Pe Joulu 12, 2008 3:40 pm

Re: LVJ Tiedustelijan liivi

Viesti Kirjoittaja S-23 » Ke Loka 19, 2011 10:02 pm

Everybody please check your emails!
The rigs arrived today. I'm gonna pick them up tomorrow afternoon and send them further then.
Regarding the updates - I could only give updates if I got some. Of course, I could have written every second day "no update from Multi Design" but somehow that appeared a bit stupid to me. I have done a few group orders here and I assumed it is clear that I am trustworthy and if something goes wrong, it's not my fault.

I do accept responsibility for the sometimes bad communication. As I wrote, I am in school at the moment and that is keeping me pretty busy.
BUT - although I might not have updated the website or posted in the forums, I HAVE answered every email I got immediately! And there also is a reason why I put my phone number in any email!
The fact that i am in school should somehow also - in addition to me writing it - make clear, that I am not doing any business with this group order! I organized this as a private person, basically, as if I would drive to Helsinki and my friends in Tampere would ask me to bring something for them from Operator.
So, no business and no profit here.

Regarding the shipping time of the package - ground mail means by truck and through Poland, baltic states, etc. No plane and no ferry. 4 weeks are pretty normal for that. I have waited 6 weeks for some stuff in the past. But for heavy packages it makes a pretty huge difference in the shipping costs.

@Collector: It would have been reasonable to write that you sent the email to me yesterday at 2323h. I leave to Tampere early in the morning and usually, I am back around 1700-1730. So I think, it's pretty normal that you didn't get an answer to your email at 1651.
Ban bread! 99% of all spree-shooters have consumed bread within 48 hours before the shooting!
Kieltäkää leipä! 99 prosenttia kaikista rellestys-ampujista on syönyt leipää 48 tunnin sisällä ennen ammuskelua!

Vastaa Viestiin


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